Taren-au-Bac est une ville d'Andor de la région des Deux-Rivières située le long de la Taren qui s'écoule d'Est en Ouest ici. C'est le seul ferry qui traverse cette rivière. La route au Nord mène à Baerlon et celle du Sud vers Colline-au-Guet. A l'Ouest se trouve les Dunes de Sables et au delà, les Montagnes de la Brume.
Les maisons de Taren-au-Bac sont hautes et étroites, construites sur des fondations de pierre hautes pour affronter les crues annuelles du printemps.
- TEotW, Ch3 - Most Deux Rivières folk do not trust Taren Ferry residents thinking them dishonest.
- TEotW, Ch4 - Because of all the trouble in the news, the Emond's Field Village Council will send men to Deven Ride, Watch Hill and Taren Ferry to keep watch.
- TEotW, Ch11 - Taren Ferry people have a reputation for slyness and trickery. They have strange names like Hilltop and Stoneboat.
- TEotW, Ch11 - Moiraine and her party pass through Taren Ferry in the night. She wrecks the ferry after they cross the Taren River.
- TSR, Ch1 - Dain Bornhald and the Whitecloaks passivate Taren Ferry.
- TSR, Ch45 - Taren Ferry is wiped out in a Trolloc attack.
- TSR, Ch53 - In the wolf dream, Perrin visits Taren Ferry and sees that it is, indeed, destroyed, but the ferry is still workable.
- TSR, Ch56 - Padan Fain orchestrated the Trolloc attack on Taren Ferry so that people would escape and bring word to Rand. The town is destroyed.
- LoC, Prologue - People from the surrounding area rebuild Taren Ferry and repopulate it. Elwinn Taron becomes the Wisdom.
- ACoS, Ch8 - Mayoral races in Taren Ferry are hotly contested.
- KoD, Ch29 – When Tam comes to aid Perrin, men from Emond's Field Deven Ride, Watch Hill, Taren Ferry and outlanders as well volunteer.
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